Vicky Kaushal and Salman Khan found themselves in the spotlight recently after a video featuring them caught the attention of social media users. The video showed Salman’s bodyguards pushing Vicky away, which disappointed the latter’s fans, leading to trolling of Salman’s entourage. Vicky, currently in Dubai for the upcoming IIFA Awards, responded to the video and referred to it as “unnecessary chatter.”
Vicky Kaushal walked the green carpet during the IIFA Rocks ceremony on May 26. He was asked about the viral video circulating on social media at the event. The video depicted Vicky interacting with his fans and attempting to greet Salman Khan when the latter and his security team arrived.
However, Vicky was pushed away by the security. This video sparked a backlash from Vicky’s fans, who criticized Salman for being “rude” for not reciprocating the greeting and failing to control his security team.
However, during a media interaction at the IIFA Rocks green carpet, Vicky clarified that the video had received unnecessary hype and had been misrepresented.
He stated, “Sometimes a lot of things are blown out of proportion. There is unnecessary chatter about many things. Things are not actually as they sometimes seem in the video.”
Following his statement, Salman and Vicky greeted and embraced each other warmly on the green carpet.