I'm looking for 2 class names that combines a paladin/rogue and an eldritch knight/rogue.
I know I can just say paladin/rogue or eldritch knight/rogue but I'd like to have names for these multiclasses
EK/Rogue: This is kinda tough because EK is already a Wizard/Fighter, and we already have a Wizard/Rogue (Arcane Trickster), so this is effectively asking for a Wizard/Fighter/Rogue name, and that's a lot of stuff to try to cover in a single spot. However, you could do worse than stealing the term for a magical rogue from Elder Scrolls, that is, "Nightblade." Alternatives could be "Spellknife" (since Rogues generally want to use knives, and this emphasizes bladework + spells), or if you want to emphasize the Fighter side of things a bit more, perhaps "Cutthroat."