D&D General - Multiclass names

I'm looking for 2 class names that combines a paladin/rogue and an eldritch knight/rogue.
I know I can just say paladin/rogue or eldritch knight/rogue but I'd like to have names for these multiclasses

Paladin/Rogue: Sounds like an "Inquisitor" to me. Someone we expect to do...not exactly "underhanded" stuff, but infiltration, rooting out things in the dark places where they hide. Alternative names could be "Iconoclast" (someone who breaks the rules in order to protect them) or "Sentinel" (someone who hunts alone, outside the regular religious hierarchy, to deal with things normal methods can't.)

EK/Rogue: This is kinda tough because EK is already a Wizard/Fighter, and we already have a Wizard/Rogue (Arcane Trickster), so this is effectively asking for a Wizard/Fighter/Rogue name, and that's a lot of stuff to try to cover in a single spot. However, you could do worse than stealing the term for a magical rogue from Elder Scrolls, that is, "Nightblade." Alternatives could be "Spellknife" (since Rogues generally want to use knives, and this emphasizes bladework + spells), or if you want to emphasize the Fighter side of things a bit more, perhaps "Cutthroat."
